Tag: acne

Can Tea Tree Oil Help with Acne?

When Tea Tree Oil Comes Into Action

Along with the famous acne warriors such as AHA, BHA and Retinol (although less used in Korean skin care), a considerable acne warrior named as Tea Tree Oil comes to play. In this article, we shall be going through the common question of ‘Can tea tree oil help with acne?’, as some of us may love this therapeutic oil very much!

Tea Tree Oil is commonly mixed with other components that effectively treats acne. Tea Tree Oil has been outshined by other warriors so let’s take a moment to really know what this essential oil can do for our skin.

 What Is Tea Tree Oil

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Melaleuca oil also fondly known as tea tree oil is an essential oil that is produced when you steam the leaves of the Australian tea tree. The plant (tea tree) naturally grows in Australia. Since Melaleuca Alternifolia is a member of the myrtle family, which encompasses over 300 species of shrubs and trees, most of which are endemic to Australia.

It is often found in low-lying swampy areas. It has papery bark and white, bottlebrush-like flowers up to 5cm long. The tea tree oil contains antiseptic and antifungal abilities, which is why it is commonly used to treat acne, lice, nail fungus, athlete’s foot, insect bites, and dandruff. The presence of bactericide and fungicide in tea tree oil allows it to be used in a range of products like cosmetics, personal health care, and animal care products. Tea-tree oil can penetrate deeply into tissues, dissolve pus and clean wounds, and have a mild analgesic effect. Tea tree oil is also antibacterial when you use it topically.

It is also commonly used as a steam inhalant to ease the congestion of coughs and colds. It is also present in different products that aim to eliminate bacteria and other pests such as dog shampoo, horse products, antiseptic creams, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, sunscreen, and a range of soap products.

The product is handpicked and manually cut and often distilled, wood-fired bush stills, and it must be harvested from 1-3 years. It is also harvested in the coppicing process where the whole plant is cut off close to the ground then cut into smaller fractions. To extract the tea tree oil from the Melaleuca genus, the leaves and branches must undergo steam distillation. It produces a clear to yellowish oil, which is then separated from its water distillate.

Pure Tea Tree Oil vs. Diluted Tea Tree Oil

Pure tea tree oil is an aggressive oil that must be taken with full caution. Frances Fewell, the director of the Institute for Complementary Medicine, stated that we should never apply any sort of essential oil directly to the skin without diluting it first in a suitable carrier oil.

Ever since tea tree oil became very popular, many people have started applying it directly to the skin to deal with acne and skin infections. In fact, this is a very aggressive oil. The skin can dry out, blister, or form a rash. If the tea tree oil is undiluted, the toxic and risky chemicals might become even more potent, reaching up to three times as strong and aggressive if it is stored at room temperature and exposed to light and air.

On the other hand, diluted tea tree oil can be used on the skin without serious problems. You can dilute the tea tree oil with a carrier oil like primrose, hemp, or rosehip oil. You can also try diluting it with vegetable oil or almond oil to reduce the aggressiveness of the tea tree oil. Take a teaspoon of carrier oil and mix 5 drops of 100% pure tea tree oil = 5% concentration of diluted tea tree oil.

However, some people may develop an allergic skin reaction or skin irritation in the area where the oil was used. It is important to know the proper way to dilute tea tree oil, so you can safely reap the many rewards this versatile oil provides.

can tea tree oil help with acne

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties that eliminate acne-causing bacteria on your skin and down to your pores. It also has the tendency to eliminates tiny bumps in your forehead. These small bumps may be fungal acne, and tea tree oil can help lessen their appearance, knowing that antifungal properties are present.

Products with tea tree oil are highly useful for spot treatment. Even a tea tree oil alone will also work as a spot treatment. To be safe, it is better to use a diluted tea tree oil as an acne spot treatment rather than a pure one.

  • Balances Oil Production

No excess sebum = less acne! For people with oily skin, tea tree oil will help in controlling your sebum production. It will eradicate all excess sebum on your face, but at the same time, it will leave enough moisturization for your skin.

  • Cleanse Pores

Products with tea tree oil will help in deep cleaning your pores. Since it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it will eliminate all bacteria and dirt from your pores. Leaving you a clean slate and fewer chances of having inflamed pimples.

  • Treats Irritated Skin

Some product combined with tea tree oil has calming features which are effective for irritated skin. A diluted tea tree oil will be more suitable for sensitivities, but it still varies on how your skin would react. Some people have found tea tree oil effective in calming their irritated skin. It might not work for you, so always patch test first.

Precautions Of Using Tea Tree Oil

  • Always, always, always, patch test first!

Tea tree oil is an essential oil, which means it is powerful that might cause allergic reactions on your skin. A patch test is very important when you want to use tea tree oil. This will help you know if your skin is compatible with it or not. In this way, you can prevent worsening your problems.

  • Fully concentrated tea tree oil may be harmful to use. Try a diluted one or mix it with other ingredients.

For people with sensitive skin, you might find tea tree oil very irritating. Try diluting the tea tree oil first before applying it to your skin.

For oily skin and acne-prone skin, tea tree oil might cause dryness to your skin. You will notice that if you use tea tree oil as a spot treatment, that area tends to flake and dry.

  • Choose the right concentration is important. Usually, at least 5% of tea tree oil is enough.

If the tea tree oil is not listed in the top 5 ingredients list, it means that te tree oil present in the product is not high enough for it to be effective.

Tea tree oil is harmful to oral use! There have been studies that tea tree oil is toxic when swallowed. It will cause serious health effects like unsteadiness, rash, and coma.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Acne/Acne Scars

  • Apply Topically As Cream or Gel

If the concentration is high enough, you can use it as a spot treatment. A 5% concentration will be enough.

Stronger gels can also be used to prevent acne appearance on areas like mouth, nose, jawline, and forehead. If you feel like there’s a pimple that’s about to grow in a certain area, you can apply a small amount in that area.

Use a cotton bud or q-tip, apply a small amount on active or soon-to-be pimples.

  • Combine Tea Tree Oil With Active Ingredients

Mixing with products that also help control sebum production and fading acne scars such as salicylic acid and green tea will be more effective in treating acne. Tea tree alone might not work as effective treatment as compared when it is combined with other properties that also fight acne.

You can also dilute it using oils such as olive oil, primrose oil, and hemp oil.

If you have a patch test and your skin is fine with tea tree oil, this is one way to apply it. Put a few drops into your palms, rub it to warm it up, and then gently pat and press onto your face.

  • Mask Or Face Wash

This method will be perfect for oily and acne-prone skin. Get raw honey, add 1 drop of tea tree oil, mix it, and massage all over your face. You can apply this, whether on dry skin or wet skin. You can leave it on for about 15-20 minutes as a mask. If you’re in a rush, you can massage the mixture unto your face for 1-2 minutes and then rinse off with water.

Other mixtures you can incorporate with Tea Tree Oil:

  • lemon juice + honey + tea tree oil

This mixture is perfect for acne-prone skin. The presence of lemon juice will act as a highly anti-inflammatory property effective for preventing acne inflammation. Honey will also work as a repair for your acne scars and dark spots. Tea tree oil will be responsible for cleaning your pores and the surface of your skin.

  • coconut oil + almond oil + few drops of tea tree oil

If you have an irritated area on your skin, you can apply a small amount of this mixture and spread it evenly.

  • steam water + few drops of tea tree oil

Add a few drops of tea tree oil into your steam water, and it will effectively cleanse your pores. The steam vapor will open the pores, and the tea tree oil will be responsible for removing bacterial accumulation.

  • Makeup Remover

Since tea tree oil contains antibacterial properties, it is very efficient when used in removing makeup. Making sure that your makeup will be thoroughly removed, and no residue is left behind.

Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular makeup remover. Mix two together then store in a bottle.

Put some on a cotton pad and remove your wakeup in an outward direction. Starting from the center of your face swiping away, going to the temples. This way, you will not be too harsh on your skin when you remove makeup, and you will not quickly get fine lines.

So, can tea tree oil help with acne? In my opinion, it is effective in fighting acne in general. However, not everyone can handle tea tree oil. Always remember that our skin reacts in a different way for different products. Others might see improvements in their acne, acne scars, and irritations, but it might not work the same for you.

If you’ve noticed that tea tree oil might have cause you redness, burning, swelling, and any other allergic reactions, immediately stop using tea tree oil. You might want to have your dermatologist check your skin if you’ve encountered sensitivities. Always be careful in using tea tree oil.

On another note, some of the skin care products that contain tea tree oil to treat bacterial acne, may also contain other ingredients that may not suit your skin. For example, products that have a mixture of tea tree oil and shea butter may be effective to fight bacterial acne but is not fungal acne safe. Shea butter in this case may aggravate the production of fungal acne. If you are suffering from both bacterial acne and fungal acne, it is best to avoid these products until your fungal acne is cured.

Do take some time to read the ingredient lists of products thoroughly and check its suitability to your skin conditions before purchase. Be really really in the know of what you are applying on your skin, okay?

Korean Products That Contain Tea Tree Oil:

Dr. Jart Teatreement Moisturizer

In each product, I have also included indicating the rank of Tea Tree in the ingredients list.Dr Jart Teatreement Moisturizer contains 81.5% tea tree leaf extract that conditions acne-prone skin moisturizer for pH balance. (1st in the ingredients list)

Cosrx Low pH God Morning Gel Cleanser

Formulated with botanical skin purifying ingredients, the Cosrx Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser is a mild acidic cleanser that works softly to make skin supple and clear. (13th in the ingredients list)

Cosrx Oil Free Ultra Moisturizing Lotion

Formulated with 70.8% birch sap, the Cosrx Oil Free Ultra Moisturizing Lotion helps keep skin hydrated and calmed. (last in the ingredients list)

Breakout On Cheeks And Jawline

Cheeks and Jawline Acne, Sounds Familiar?

Previously, I tackled forehead acne, what they mean and what causes them. If you haven’t read that article, you can check it out here. In this article, we are going to talk about why we have breakouts in the cheeks and jawline. A very common area for acne breakouts and now, we will get to understand the whys and hows for preventing breaking out in our cheek and jawline area.

I’ve mentioned face mapping on the previous article and, we will still include it here. Face mapping is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practice believing that our internal organs have something to do with the breakouts in our faces.

What Causes Breakout On Cheeks And Jawline?

Breakout On Cheeks and Jawline

Breakouts On Cheeks

Our cheeks are commonly the home of acne breakouts. Having breakouts in the cheeks is normal, everybody has experienced acne on their cheeks. Cheeks cover a wider coverage, and sebaceous glands are more prominent in this area, resulting in higher production of sebum or oil.

It is said that our cheeks are linked to our respiratory health and your sugar intake. So, you need to reflect if your respiratory system is healthy. Do you smoke? Or are you always near to someone who smokes? Are you always exposed to dust and air pollution? All of which might contribute to the breakouts on your cheeks. Another would be, do you eat sweets most often than usual? Do you drink soft drinks, caffeinated or sugared drinks daily? That might be a cause too.

  •  Pollution

When you go to work or to school, you are most likely at a high risk of exposing yourself to air pollution, especially when you take a bus or a train. You can’t really prevent air pollution but what you can do is to bring blotting papers with you and wash your face when you go home.

  • Bad Respiratory Habits

If you smoke, breakouts would be pretty reasonable to you. For non-smokers, try to avoid smoking areas or get too close to smokers. Smoking is terrible for your lungs, and for sure, it will also affect your skin and your overall health.

  • Allergies

The cheeks tend to get easily irritated, especially if you are prone to allergies like dust allergies, pet allergies, pollen allergies, food allergies and etc. Always double-check the ingredients of what you eat, drink or put on your face if your skin is prone to allergic reactions.

  • Rise of temperature

Our cheek area tends to get easily reddish when overexposed to the sun, eating spicy foods and drinking alcohol. The increase in temperature in this area will stimulate more production of oil. So, when too much oil build-up occurs inside your pores, you will likely have acne.

  • Too much sugar intake

Sugar is one of the triggering foods you need to avoid or at least minimize intake. Moderate your consumption of sweets, dairy, soft drinks and other foods that are likely to trigger acne breakouts.

  • Skincare and Makeup

Check on your skincare and makeup ingredients list, there might be an ingredient that triggered your acne. Always go for non – comedogenic products, especially if you have acne-prone skin.

  • Hair

Usually, our hair is parted on one side and in most cases, you will notice that there’s more acne or texture on one side than the other. Your hair also produces oil, and if your hair always touches your cheek area, it will most likely cause a breakout. Another could be the shampoo or hair products that you use that could trigger acne.

  • Hormones

If you’re going to puberty, you will most likely have acne due to hormonal imbalance. Puberty and acne go hand in hand. But if you’re an adult and you still have acne, you really need to consult a dermatologist to have your skin checked.

Preventive Measures To Avoid Breakouts On Cheeks

  • Change your pillowcases

Change your pillowcases at least 2x a week. When you sleep, also try to rotate your pillow every night. You can even turn your pillowcases inside out if you want to go a little extra. In my case, after 2-3 nights, I changed my pillowcase and then place my pillows outside and let them dry out in the sun. You can also check your washing detergent and fabric conditioner, maybe it contains ingredients like fragrance, that might contribute to your breakouts.

  • Keep your hands off your face

Your hands are prone to bacteria and dirt so always keep them away from your face, as much as possible. If you need to touch your face, wash your hands or clean them with wipes or rubbing alcohol.

  • As often as possible, clean your phone screen

When you answer a phone call, your phone touches your cheeks, and if your phone is dirty, it will get into your cheeks which will, later on, contribute to breakouts. Let’s be hygienic at all times, okay?

Treatments of Breakout On Cheeks

  • Take care of your respiratory health

Steam Inhalation is an excellent home remedy that you can do on your own. Steam inhalation is also known as steam therapy. By inhaling the water vapour, it will open your nasal passages which will help in relieving and soothing sinus and blood vessels. However, it does not cure any sickness, but it will help you feel better.

Meditation or breathing exercises can also help your respiratory health. This allows your body to feel calm and relaxed. You are actually hitting two birds with one stone which are distressing and maintaining your respiratory health. If meditation is not your style, you can do cardio exercises or workouts. Even taking a 20-minute walk or jog would be enough to keep your lungs healthy.

  • Lower sugar consumption

Sugar is actually good for the body but too much would bring bad effects not only to your skin but to your overall health too. I know, I know it’s tough to turn your back on those sweets, but you need to hold back okay? You can start by slowly eating only at a maximum twice per week. Some examples of foods that contain processed sugar are soft drinks, sweets, ready-made meals, and canned goods.

  • Gentle skin care

Our cheeks are sensitive that is why gentle exfoliating would be best to incorporate in your skincare routine. You can opt to use skincare products that contain natural ingredient perfect for gently exfoliating the skin such as oats. It’s fine to go for acid exfoliants but it will be best to start first to lower doses like 1% AHA or BHA.


Breakouts On Jawline

It is said the breakouts in your jawline are mainly because of your hormones. In the jawline area, most of our lymph nodes are located here. Your lymph nodes are an essential part of your immune system, it will engage on whether you have an infection or your body is fighting something. Also, lymph nodes are actually very sensitive to hormonal imbalance and detoxifying, so it makes sense that when your body’s hormones change, you will likely get breakouts in this area.

Common Causes Of Acne On Jawline

  • Skincare & Makeup Products

Using comedogenic cosmetic and skincare products such as lotions, makeup, and moisturizers. These products contain heavy oils that can clog pores and causes breakout all over your face.

  • Any object or surface that can stay on your jaw for quite some time

Musical instruments like the violin can cause jawline acne especially when the person using it is not hygienic. Helmets with in-strap can also be a cause of jawline acne because the trap that is on standby in your jaw could trap the heat and sweat that your body is producing. It can also trap dust which causes acne breakouts.

For men, shaving can also be a cause of jawline acne because doing such activity can irritate the skin. Using old razor blades can also lead to infection and aggravate breakouts.

  • Menstrual Period and PCOS 

1 or 2 weeks before your menstruation cycle, you will notice that you will get acne in your chin or jawline. This is commonly an indication that your period is right around the corner. More like a warning or a signal for you to know that your visitor is coming on its way.

Commonly in women, the hormonal levels of PCOS patients are very imbalanced. A distinguishing symptom of PCOS is acne, particularly in the jawline area. Hormones such as estrogen and testosterone go up and down, and this situation, you will likely have a high risk of having breakouts in your jawline.

Another is the side effect of medicine or pills that you take for your PCOS. It could trigger the appearance of acne in this area.

  • Steroids

I think I don’t need to elaborate more on this one since it’s very obvious. Drugs have side effects, and one of which is acne. Drugs, in general, will take a toll on your health, so you need to cut it out of your system.

Preventive Measures of Breakouts on Jawline

  •  Wash every corner of your face

 Oftentimes, we focus more on cleansing the centre of our faces, and we forget the outer perimeters on the face, especially that area near your ears. Make sure to cleanse and exfoliate that area as well. Wash it like how you wash the centre of your face, especially if your acne typically grows in that area.

Treatments of Breakouts On Jawline

  • Detoxify

By detoxifying, it also means taking care of your liver. The liver is the body’s detoxifier, so it is important to pay close attention to it. Minimize your alcohol intake, oily, greasy and salty foods. Go for foods with high in fibre which is resistant starch such as beans, green bananas and whole grains.

  • Proper Hygiene

Keep your hands away from your face. Wipe or disinfect objects such as your violin before putting them near your face. Anything that involves touching your face, you have to make sure that everything is clean to prevent breakouts.

  • Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne usually occurs in a noticeably u-shape, basically, in your jawline and in your cheeks. This type of acne appears due to the hormonal imbalance going around in your body. Usually occurs when you go through certain life phases or have underlying conditions that contribute to your body’s hormonal imbalance.

Life Periods that causes Hormonal Acne

  • Puberty

A lot of bodily changes is going on your body during your puberty. Your sex hormones are your primary triggers for having acne breakouts. Androgen, present in both sex, is primarily active in our sebaceous glands leading to more productions of oil or sebum. This sebum is removed from the pores, but some stay and accumulate on your pores, resulting in acne.

  • Menstrual Period

For women, before and during their menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone are prominent during this period. Estrogen is a hormone responsible for stimulating the production of collagen on our skin, and it also controls oil production. Progesterone is mainly once of the causes of excessive sebum secretion. Progesterone is active on ovulation days and estrogen is more active on period days, causing hormonal imbalance. Having this hormonal imbalance on your period, breakouts will be more likely to occur.

For pregnant women, progesterone acts as a hormone to maintain the pregnancy period. It is production continuously increases, which causes acne.

  • Stress

 When you are stressed out, you are naturally secreting a hormone called cortisol. This hormone is secreted from the adrenal gland, which also where androgen comes from. So, basically when they are present when you are stressed, causing you acne and hair loss.

Underlying Conditions That Contribute To Hormonal Acne

  •  PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a reproductive condition among women where their ovaries are enlarged that may form cysts. Hormonal levels with women who have PCOS are imbalanced since estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels fluctuate and drop inconsistently. This hormonal imbalance will lead to slow ovulation, irregular periods, hirsutism, weight gain or loss and of course acne.

Treatment of PCOS is actually a very complex topic but to give you a general idea of how the treatment works, you can change your diet, exercise regularly, stay hydrated and take birth control pills. Those are a few ways you to fight against PCOS. However, everybody is different, so it is important to know what works best for you.

Treatment for Breakouts On Jawline

  • Relax!

Distress your mind and do something that calms your nerves. Go on a spa day or binge-watch your favourite Netflix TV Show. Take your worries away for the day, have a break first. Your skin is already telling you to chill for a bit. So, you better listen to your body, okay? You don’t want it to get any worse.

  • Cleanse and exfoliate regularly

To all ladies out there, a week before your period, you have to cleanse your face using a cleanser that suits your skin. Make sure to deep cleanse since your oil production during this period is going nuts. Always be gentle on your skin when you wash and exfoliate to avoid aggravating and irritating your skin.

Keep track of your food intake.

Especially for women with PCOS, it is crucial to always take note of your diet. PCOS could cause weight gain or weight loss, so it is important to eat the right kinds of food to help balance out your hormone levels. Avoid too much sugar intake and processed food. Go for more foods rich in fibre and anti-oxidants.

In conclusion, acne on your cheeks and jawline mainly reflects on your sugar intake, hygiene and your hormonal imbalance. Acne can be treated but it tends to reoccur which means you have to maintain a consistent skincare routine, hygienic practices and your diet at all times. Superficial treatments can work but if you really want to treat your acne from its roots, you have to take care of your body holistically. Your body responds in a different way than others so you have to be really patient.

You’ll get that clear skin, okay? You’re doing fantastic! Also, you’re already stunning anyway. So take your own steps, everything will come into place later on.

A list of Korean Skin Care Products That May Help Your Breakout:

Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil

Made from natural oils extracted from Black Bean, the Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil has the ability to control oil and soothe the skin. Black Sesame has the antioxidant ingredients and Black Currant Seed are full of vitamins and minerals. This product provides gentle deep cleansing without irritating the skin.

Innisfree Super Volcanic Pre Clay Mask 2x

Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask 2x claims to be one of the top clay masks in Korea. It has AHA ingredient that helps in exfoliating dead skin cells.

Klairs Midnight Blue Calming Cream

Containing the star ingredient of Guaiazulene that gives the pastel blue color of the cream, Guaiazulene is a natural component of Chamomile Oil, able to have calming effects. Centella Asiatica is another notable ingredient that helps hydrate the skin and relieve skin redness. You can also read my review on Klairs Midnight Blue Calming Cream here.

Laneige Water Sleeping Mask

Laneige is a brand that needs no introduction. It’s Water Sleeping Mask has an intensive moisturizing effect that makes skin clear, glowing, and revitalized in the morning.  It uses the Moisture-Wrap technology that increases skin’s own absorption and sustaining capabilities using its hydro-ion mineral water ingredients contained in the mineral network, evening primrose extract, and apricot extract.

Cosrx Acne Pimple Master Patch

Cosrx Acne Pimple Master Patch is a hydrocolloid spot patch that provides concentrated spot care. It comes in three sizes to suit the shape and size of the acne.

What Do Pimples On The Forehead Mean?

I Tend To Ask The Meaning Of These Pimples

In the teenage years, it’s pretty normal to have pimples and tiny bumps on your forehead. Often times, we would be like a cry baby and asking “What Did I Do Wrong?”, “Did I Eaten Something Wrong?”, “What Do Pimples on the Forehead Mean?” and a whole lot of other questions pop up in our minds.

Those pimples appear because of the increase of hormonal growth that your body is going through during puberty. So, don’t freak out, okay? Leave it be and let them come out, and it will clear up soon.

There’s also this method called “Face Mapping.” It’s been well known in Traditional Chinese medicine, wherein they believe that your skin condition is a reflection of your internal health. This somewhat makes sense. A prime example is when women are going to have their periods. There’s a change in their hormonal balance, since menstruation is right on the corner, causing pimples’ appearances.

What Causes Pimple and Meaning Of Pimple Location (Meaning On The Forehead)

Pimples on your forehead are mainly about digestions, constipation, and overall gut health. It is highly recommended to take care of your gut health first. You have to clean up your diet so that you will maintain balance in your food intake. Also, it would be best if you reminded yourself of the word “moderation.” Once you take care of your digestive health, you might start to see your skin clearing up.

  • Upper Forehead

It is said to be linked with the digestive system, particularly the large intestine and bladder. Having poor digestion will lead to a large build-up of toxins. Our body will need to detoxify, and one of its ways is the appearance of pimples. You might need to eat more foods and drinks rich in antioxidants such as green tea, lemon water, and berries.

  • Lower Forehead

It is said to be associated with a person’s mind and spirit. It may be due to irregular sleep patterns, stress, depression, bad blood circulation. Try to sleep early at least before 11 pm. Find ways to distress your mind. Relax, pamper yourself, keep your mind off of work or school for a moment. Go to a stress-free environment like a quick ride going to the hills or the beach, or just take a long bath in your bathroom that would definitely do the trick.

What Do Pimples On The Forehead Mean?

 Overall, here are the main reasons why you have pimples on your forehead:

  • Stress

Of course, your skin will also react to stress. There is this thing called “Emotional Acne”. It is caused by emotions and primarily stressing yourself out. If you tend to talk bad to yourself, putting yourself down and belittling yourself, please stop. It affects not only your physical health but also your mental health, your overall health actually. Try to chill a bit and remind yourself that you’re doing great, okay?

  • Dehydration

Always, always, always drink water at least 1.5 liters for 2 hours. It may be a hassle since you often need to go to the bathroom, but your body will definitely reward you. Water is simply beneficial for our holistic health, so keep a water bottle with you at all times.

  • Digestion

Drinking warm water with lemon eliminates congestion in the digestive system, and then your forehead follows, clearing up pimples on your forehead. You need to eat foods that are high in fiber and avoid eating triggering foods such as processed foods, dairy, and oily foods. Not that I’m telling you to completely ban yourself from eating them, but what I mean is to moderate your intake on triggering foods.

Take care of your liver since it is our body’s detoxifier, we want it to detoxify our body and then, later on, would show up on our skin too. Incorporate foods with probiotics like lactobacillus commonly found in yogurts and some probiotic drinks too.

  • Skin care

Heavy, thick, and greasy skincare products might cause clogging on your pores. You will need to double cleanse and exfoliate using masks. There might also be ingredients found in your skincare regimens that are triggering those bumps, we’ll discuss them down below.

  •  Bangs or Fringe

If you have bangs or fringe, you will most likely build up pimples on your forehead. Your hair always touches your forehead, and your hair produces natural oils too, which will really be a contributing factor. Also, when you sweat, your bangs tend to stick unto your face. You might want to clip them away when your sweaty and oily.

Another is hair products, and you might be using hair serums or oils that would be triggering your skin, especially in the hairline area. Try to avoid putting serums near your forehead or hairline area.

  • Genetics

Hereditary factors will never be out of the picture. In these cases, it is best to consult your dermatologist and have your skin checked.

Fungal Acne (This Acne Also Tend to Develop On The Forehead)

Are you seeing tiny bumps on your forehead that appear like acne but they are not? It may be because of Fungal acne.

 Fungal acne is neither acne nor a fungus. The technical term is Pityrosporum Folliculitis or Malassezia Folliculitis. It is mainly caused by yeast buildup that occurs on the skin. Commonly, mistaken as acne and people try to treat it like acne, which is not effective, better to go see a dermatologist. Oftentimes, these bumps are itchy, and they usually appear on areas that get oily like t-zone, back or chest, and shoulders.

Malassezia grows on our skin naturally, it’s overproduction causes fungal acne. They cause trouble when they feed on too much sebum. They grow bigger and appear in clogged in yellowish-whitish bumps. They feed on sebum, sweat, and products. Also, their growth is typical in hot and humid weather.

Antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide are not treatments, but they can minimize their appearance. When you try to squeeze them, they don’t come out since they sunk deeper down to the hair follicle. It can also be treated using an athlete’s foot spray but only works on milder cases. Some people can develop both fungal acne and bacterial acne (regular acne). It may look different on different skin, and treatment can be different.

Ingredients to watch out

Fatty acids and oils such as:

  • Lauric acid
  • Myristic acid
  • Stearic acid
  • Linoleic acid
  • a-Linolenic acid
  • Oleic acid
  • Palmitic acid

Safe oils

  • MCT oil (caprylic/capric triglycerides)
  • Squalane oil
  • Mineral oil

You might want to avoid Esters

Ester is a hybrid of alcohol and fatty acids. Anything that ends with ‘-ate’ is esters. Although it is an effective emollient, giving the product a lightweight texture might cause Fungal Acne.

  • Polysorbate

It is an effective emulsifier that helps in combining oil and water ingredients but will most likely be food for Malassezia.

  • Galactomyces

This is commonly found in many fermented skin care products.

Ingredients that may or may not affect the growth of fungal acne (for safety purpose, it is better to stay away):

  • Cholesterol
  • Ceramides
  • Phospholipids
  • Squalene

Difference Between Pimple And Acne

Did you know that pimple and acne are two different things? Acne is actually a form of a disease, and like any other disease, symptoms often occur to know if we have that disease or not. In this case, the pimples are the symptoms. Acne is a condition affecting the skin’s hair follicles and oil glands.

Sebum is an oily substance that is created by a gland on your pores under the skin. The glands and pores are connected by a canal known as a follicle with thin hair that grows out to the skin’s surface.

When sebum and dead skin cells clump together, they form a plug in the follicle, which causes inflammation, leading to red pimples shown in acne. There are many symptoms when you have acne, and these are having whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.

Difference Between Pimple Acne And Fungal Acne

Pimple acne and fungal acne often are misunderstood to be precisely the same, but when you study about it, you will come to the conclusion that both of them are two different things.

Pimple acne or whiteheads are closed pores that have sebum trapped under a thin layer of skin. A small white bump on your skin will appear when the oil mingles with dead skin, and the pore is not open. You can identify whiteheads through looking at all the small white bumps on your face. If the little white bumps are “poppable”, it means that it can be extracted out and can be cured.

Fungal acne, on the other hand, is basically a yeast overgrowth or infection. Fungal acne is hard to cure on your own or if you do self diagnose. If those tiny bumps on your skin are associated with itchiness, then it is certain that the bumps are fungal acne. These bumps are often seen in a cluster and are typically uniform in size. The difference between the two is that fungal acne is uniform in size, usually is itchy.

Another difference between the two of them is the way on how to eliminate them. There are different ways on how to reduce pimple acne, and it might be through using different skincare, facial washes, or ointments. When you treat fungal acne you must be really cautious about what to apply on your skin, or the best way to do is to ask a dermatologist, we all have different skin which means that if that ointment cured his/her fungal acne, that doesn’t mean that it can heal yours.

Ingredients That Can Be Used As Fungal Acne Treatment:

  • Ketoconazole

Very effective in eliminating fungal acne. Mostly present in most anti-dandruff shampoos such as Nizoral shampoo.

  • Honey

You can apply honey as a spot treatment.

  • Salicylic acid

Commonly found in BHA products. Every product specifically for oily and acne-prone skin contains this ingredient.

  • Sulfur

It effectively sheds the fungal on your skin.

  • Urea

Very moisturizing and also treats atopic dermatitis and eczema.

How To Use An Anti-dandruff Shampoo To Your Face?

Use it as a wash. Lather it on the affected area and leave it for a minimum of 5 minutes.  It is recommended to wash 2-3x a week. After you clear out fungal acne, you need to do maintenance since Fungal acne can be treated, but it is prone to recurring. After applying the Nizoral shampoo, you can continue your regular skincare routine. You would need to hydrate your skin since Nizoral is drying.

To conclude, what you really need here in battling acne is a lot of patience. Pimples on your forehead are said to be an indication that you have bad digestion. You might want to take good care of your gut health first. Treating your acne down to its roots will be more effective than just superficial treatments like lathering cleansers and spot creams.

If you’re trying out products, always remember to patch test and use them for at least a month. If it causes irritations and sensitivity to your skin, cut it off. Of course, it is always very efficient to consult a dermatologist for treatment.

To know more about fungal acne and suitable products to be used, you can read my previous article here.

Products That Can Be Used To Reduce Pimples Breakout:

Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel

The Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel contains no harmful ingredients. It uses natural extracts and preservatives instead. With less chemical ingredient, it reduces the chance of skin breaking out.

Cosrx Propolis Light Ampoule

Containing 83.25% (and that is a lot) black propolis, this ingredient is antibacterial and anti-inflammation. Cosrx Propolis Light Ampoule helps reduce redness and provide healing to stressed skin.

Sulfur 3% Clean Gel By Wishtrend

Sulfur 3% Clean Gel By Wishtrend is a cleansing gel that helps unclogg pores and prevent acne. The Collodial Sulfur goes into the pores to dry out the skin surface and absorb oil. It also dries out dead skin cells so that the pores remain unclogged. Though it sounds like it’ll suck out all of the moisture from the skin, this is not really the case. It has two hydrating ingredients Sodium Hyaluronate and Tocopherol to prevent the skin from completely dried out.

Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask 2x

Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask 2x claims to be one of the top clay masks in Korea. It has AHA ingredient that helps in exfoliating dead skin cells.

Cosrx Salicylic Acid Daily Cleanser

Cosrx Salicylic Acid Daily Gentle Cleanser can be used by all skin types including sensitive. This cleanser is gentle and it removes impurities and excess sebum and prevents pimples and blemishes from breaking out.

Whiteheads Vs Blackheads

Whiteheads Vs Blackheads : What Are They?

Everyone has gone through a phase of breakouts and acne problems. During puberty, our hormones trigger our body to produce more oil than necessary, leading to acne. On a positive note, acne can be treated, but the level of care is different depending on your skin type and skin condition.

There are quite a few types of acne; two of those are Whiteheads and Blackheads. They are the most common type of acne. Very frustrating and would show up at the most inconvenient time. They randomly pop up on your skin; usually, they appear in your face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back.

Whiteheads and blackheads are non-inflammatory acne. They have clogged pores caused by excess sebum, dirt, and dead skin cells. They are non-inflammatory, but if you will irritate them, they will become inflamed and would cause more damage to your skin. They are different in form but have similar treatment.


Whiteheads are also known as closed comedones. Your pore is filled with bacteria and has a micro-opening. Since the opening is small, air cannot come in. Inside, it will undergo a chemical reaction that keeps its color white. The pore is sealed with your skin, which forms a lump onto your skin.


Blackheads are also known as open comedones. It originates from a whitehead. A whitehead will slowly tear off the skin sealing it, but if it remains clogged, it will result in blackhead formation. Since the air can come in, it will undergo oxidation that causes the substance inside to turn black.







Whiteheads Vs Blackheads, How Do They Appear?

Blackheads and Whiteheads are from clogged pores containing bacteria, excess oils, and dead skin cells. They appear mostly on the face, neck, shoulders, and back, areas that are exposed to the external environment. Some factors and situations trigger their appearances, such as:

  1. Not removing makeup properly

When putting on makeup, make sure that you are using non-comedogenic products. Avoid oil-based products. Always remove your makeup thoroughly. Please, please, please, do not sleep if you still have makeup on! You will surely have bad skin when you wake up the next morning.

  1. Touching your face too often

If you always touch your face with your hands, you will surely get blackheads and whiteheads. Your hands have a lot of bacteria, especially on your fingertips and fingernails. As much as possible, never touch your face, especially with dirty hands.

  1. Using certain hair products

Another factor might be the hair products that you are using. Our hair is the closest to our face, shoulders, chest, and back. Your hair product might contain an ingredient that irritates your skin. Try keeping your hair away from your face if you are using heavy oils for your hair.

  1. Dehydration

Dehydration will cause your body to produce more oil to compensate for water. This results in the overproduction of sebum then could potentially lead to forming whiteheads and blackheads. Always stay hydrated. It is not only good for your skin but for your overall health too.

You might need to sweat a bit because your body will release sweat and oil when you work out. A good thing if you want to remove excess sebum from your skin, at the same time, you get to improve your fitness. I would also recommend that you go to a sauna. The warm steam will give lots of benefits to your body. It will help in releasing sweat and oils from your skin. Not only that, but it also calms and pampers your whole body.

  1. Inconsistent skin care routine

Having a skin care routine is essential. To minimize blackheads and whiteheads from appearing, you should always maintain a consistent skin care routine that includes cleansing and exfoliating. The purpose of cleansing and exfoliating is to keep your pores clean and remove dead skin cells, two of the many steps to ensure clear, healthy, and glowing skin.

  1. Using unsuitable skin care products

Talking about skincare routines, if you are trying a new product, always patch test first. Some products are not compatible with your skin. If your skin is getting worse, seek professional help. Dermatologists will advise you on what type of your skin is, what ingredients are suitable for your skin, and what steps you should take to maintain healthy skin.

  1. Genetically inherited

Despite all the skin care routines and hygienic practices, you still have acne? Maybe it’s because of genetics. You might have a hereditary tendency to overproduce sebum, causing your skin to become oily and acne-prone. Research has it that if both of your parents have experienced severe acne during adulthood, you have a high risk of having it.

Should You Pop Blackheads And Whiteheads Yourself?

whiteheads vs blackheads

Never pop those zits! Improper extraction of whiteheads and blackheads will lead to inflammation. They will surely create acne scars, which are very difficult to get rid of. Squeezing them will only let the bacteria enter deep into your pores. It will potentially become troublesome acne, very irritating, and painful at the same time.

Let the extraction be handled by professionals. They have the proper tools and are trained to do the appropriate method of extracting blackheads and whiteheads. You can choose to go to a dermatology clinic, a beauty salon and a spa/sauna. Just make sure that legit professionals will perform the extraction. You don’t want to end up breaking out even worse than before.

Better yet, leave them alone! Since they contain bacteria, your body will naturally fight and eliminate the bacteria out from your skin. They will usually come off in a few days. As long as you consistently, exfoliate and cleanse your skin, you’re good to go! If your zits decide to come off, clean them properly after. They will naturally heal on its own.

Are Blackheads and Whiteheads Treated Differently?

Blackheads and Whiteheads have similar treatment. Both are caused by the accumulation of bacteria from excess sebum, dirt, and dead skin cell. You will need to cleanse and exfoliate your face using products that have ingredients or properties that suits to your skin condition.

What Korean Skincare Ingredients/Products Can Help Pop Them Out?

There are tons of Korean skin care products out in the market, and it will get confusing about which product you should purchase.

Let’s start first with the ingredients:

  • Salicylic Acid

Salicylic Acid is widely used for treating acne and helping in minimizing the appearance of acne. It is present in almost all skin care products out there. However, some people will take it very irritating to the skin, especially with sensitive skin types. It dries out and removes excess oil from your pores.

  • Benzol Peroxide

Benzol Peroxide is a usual ingredient for reducing inflammation and treating acne. It is very much used in skin care products. The downside is, it causes peeling to some people. Similar to Salicylic Acid, it is quite irritating and is not friendly to sensitive skin. It also works the same with salicylic acid that dries out and removes excess sebum that causes acne.

  • Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is organic and natural. Although some skin types are not compatible with organic products, it still minimizes inflammation on your skin. Once consistently used, it will take a few days for it to effect.

  • Activated charcoal

It has been a bit popular these days because of the great results it gives. Activate charcoal acts like a magnet that attracts impurities keeping it away from your skin. It is preferred in clay form for oily skin and dry skin, pairing it with hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and jojoba oil.

  • BHA

BHA is usually oil-based, great for deep cleansing your pores. It has proven to be effective in calming inflammation and acne.

Korean skin care products that can be used on blackheads and whiteheads:

Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask 2x

Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask 2x claims to be one of the top clay masks in Korea. It has AHA ingredient that helps in exfoliating dead skin cells.

Cosrx BHA Blackhead Power Liquid

Cosrx BHA Blackhead Power Liquid contains betaine salicylate that softens blackheads and exfoliates dead skin.

Cosrx Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser

A great gentle cleanser infused with tea tree oil. Cosrx Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser’s formula won’t strip off your natural oils but remove dead skin cells and penetrate the pores to remove bacteria.

Cosrx Two In One Poreless Power Liquid

Cosrx Two In One Poreless Power Liquid is an alcohol-free product, very friendly for sensitive skin. Minimizes pores without irritation, thanks to its combination of BHA and Tannin.

Whatever skin type and skin condition you might have, always wash and exfoliate your face. Take note, over washing and over-exfoliating, will bring harm to your skin. Always be consistent in doing your skincare routine. Maintain proper hygiene at all times. Never discriminate yourself because of your acne. Treating acne is a long process, so be patient, you will get there.

Acne Prone Skin No More

What Is Acne Prone Skin?

Acne prone skin is a condition of the skin that happens once your hair follicles become obstructed with oil and dead skin cells. It usually causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples, and frequently seems on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders.

The skin problem is most typical among teenagers, although it affects individuals of all ages.

acne prone skin

Skin problems are often persistent. The pimples and bumps heal slowly, and once one begins to travel away; others appear to take place. Looking at its severity, skin problems will cause emotional distress and scar the skin.

The sooner you begin treatment, the lower your risk of such issues.

People with acne prone skin are additionally vulnerable to breaking get in numerous areas of the skin. Many culprits cause breakouts. The causes are often derived back to the utilization of specific products, diet decisions, stress, or different lifestyle factors.

Those that aren’t liable to skin problem flare-ups don’t need to worry about mode decisions due to their unlikely to expertise regular breakouts.

How Do I Know If I Have Acne Prone Skin?

It will become evident that your skin is liable to skin problems if you suffer from consistent breakouts. Those with acne prone skin tend to breakout from wrong product choices like thick moisturizers, bar soaps, and even wrong choices of food that create acne outbreaks.

If any of those sounds acquainted with you, you’ll have acne prone skin.

Symptoms Of Acne Prone Skin

Acne signs and symptoms vary looking on the severity of your condition:

  • Whiteheads (closed obstructed pores)
  • Blackheads (open blocked pores)
  • Little red, tender bumps (papules)
  • Pimples (pustules) that are papules with pus at their tips
  • Large, solid, painful lumps at a lower place the surface of the skin (nodules)
  • Painful, pus-filled bumps at a smaller place the surface of the skin (cystic lesions)

What Causes And Triggers Skin Problems On The Skin?

Here are the key factors that medical professionals recognize are seemingly to form some individuals additional liable to skin problems than others.

  • Genetics

Genes confirm our skin kind, and a few folks have skin that’s additional reactive and liable to inflammation, blemishes, and skin problem than others. If each of your oldsters had a skin problem, there’s a better likelihood that you can develop the condition.

  • Hormones

Acne which is a disease of skin could be a secretion disease. Hormones are liable for the event of the greasy glands. They conjointly stimulate secretion production in those oleaginous glands (a production of secretion is one in every one of the symptoms that defines blemish-prone skin).

The increase in hormones throughout pubescence is why the skin problem is most prevalent in adolescence. Hormones still affect men and women otherwise at completely different life stages: changes in secretion levels throughout the cycle usually causes flare-ups for girls in their 20s and 30s.

  • Medication

Some medicines – like steroids and metal – will cause skin problems. Whereas not the reason behind skin problem, the subsequent might trigger and irritate symptoms.

  • Diet

There’s some proof of the correlation between diet and skin problems. A diet with a high glycemic index and much of dairy farm products might trigger or exacerbate skin problems.

  • Stress

Stress will trigger hormones that successively stimulate secretion production and exacerbate skin problems. Stress will exacerbate blemish-prone skin

  • Smoking

Analysis indicates that smoking will increase skin problems by inflicting aerobic stress to skin and sterilization secretion composition.

  • Inappropriate Skin Care

Harsh, soap-based cleansers and water that’s too hot will disrupt the skin’s natural balance and exacerbate symptoms. Some skin care products and make-up also are comedogenic (meaning they clog pores and cause acne).

How Does Korean Skin Care Products Can Be Effective Against Acne?

I have covered in the blog about the Korean skin care routine and would like to emphasize the stages and its products that are effective to fend off acne.

Oil-Based Cleanser

We suggest employing a double cleansing methodology within the evenings to interrupt down make-up, SPF, and the other pollutants from the day. Double cleansing includes the utilization of an oil-based cleansing agent and a foaming cleansing agent.

Water-Based Cleanser

Using a foaming cleansing agent within the morning is essential for several reasons. It cleanses your skin of any impurities from nightlong. As you sleep, your skin produces oils. You’ll wish to balance your skin before beginning your routine.

Exfoliator (1-3 times per week)

If radiant, glowing, sleek skin that accepts products additional is appealing, you’ll wish to exfoliate frequently. Exfoliation helps to get rid of surface dead skin cells and encourage cell turnover.

It will profit all skin varieties and considerations because it helps to even out skin tone, address physiological state, sleek our skin texture, and remove dead skin to forestall dirt and oils from obtaining clogged at intervals the pores.


The second product in your routine ought to be a toner. A toner’s primary performs to balance the skin’s pH scale and gently remove excess dead skin cells. Which helps in unclogging pores that cause acne.


The subsequent step in your routine could also be unaccustomed to you. Essence could be a crucial part of a Korean tending routine. Essence could be a watery liquid body substance that permits your skin to accept products additional effectively.

Make sure to find a serum that contains anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Sheet Mask 

Sheet masks facilitate to supply deep relief for skin considerations, victimization targeted ingredients to provide specific results. Wanting to address breakouts? Apply a sheet mask that caters to your would like.

These permit you to optimize your tending routine to your skin that day. These are often applied morning or evening.


Serums are targeted treatments that contain super little molecules aimed toward specific skin considerations.

This is often a step wherever you’ll be able to customize your routine to sometimes wants additionally as your skin’s wants. Look for serums that contain powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to deal with acne prone skin.


A moisturizer not solely hydrates the skin. However, it conjointly seals in wetness. Moisturizers do not have to be severe creams that leave you feeling full or over hydrous.

Korean  Skin Care Ingredients for Acne Prone Skin

Cica could be an in-style plant-based ingredient that a lot of Korean care brands ar as well as in their product – mainly once it involves products for shiny acne prone skin.

It’s the extract from the plant Centella Asiatica (a perennial herb) with extraordinarily high inhibitor content (particularly Madecassic Acid). This high inhibitor content offers cica some fantastic medicinal drug properties, creating an excellent ingredient for acne prone skin.

One of those advantages is that it happens to be excellent at preventing and healing inflammatory disease. This is thanks to snail mucin’s antimicrobial properties – that facilitate to stay acne-causing microorganisms cornered.

Snail mucin also contains mucopolysaccharide, an ingredient that also helps repair the skin’s wetness barrier by attracting water molecules to the outer skin layer.

  • Propolis

Like snail glycoprotein, propolis could be an extremely trending ingredient within the Korean care business (as well as another bee and honey ingredients). Propolis could be a powerful natural antiseptic substance made by honeybees from tree buds and alternative biological science sources.

It’s a brown organic compound and is typically known as ‘bee glue.’ Bees use propolis to repair and seal tiny crevices at intervals the beehive, wherever it acts as an immune psychoanalytic process for the full hive.

The protecting properties of propolis return from the active plant compounds it contains (caffeates and flavonoids).

These compounds offer propolis inhibitor, medicinal drug, medicine, antiviral, and antifungal properties, creating an excellent substance for treating and preventing inflammatory disease.

If you’ve got oily acne prone skin you would like a BHA (beta hydroxy acid) in your routine. It sounds sophisticated. However, a BHA is simply a kind of chemical exfoliant that works deep in pores to interrupt down excess oily secretion. Thereby preventing blemishes and breakouts.

Salicylic acid is the most typical BHA utilized in care products. This ingredient is widespread in western care, too. Thus, the likelihood is that you’ve got used a product containing it at some stage already.

Salicylic acid is ideal for shiny skin varieties because it works wonders in regulation secretion production – creating your skin less oily.

  • Tea Tree Oil

One more ingredient that’s value considering if you’ve got oily and acne-prone skin is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil could be a natural ingredient derived from the leaves of the Australian tea tree plant (Melaleuca Alternifolia).

Thanks to a number of the compounds it contains (including a high concentration of terpenes), it functions as each an anti-microbial and a medicinal drug creating it fantastic to prevent and treat inflammatory disease.

Probiotics have also been an ingredient that helps reduce inflammation and tame acne as it has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory elements and forms a protective shield for the skin.

Rice water is also known for its acne treatment ability, it reduces redness and thus, soothes away acne inflammation. It also acts as an astringent that minimizes pores which prevent the secretion of excess sebum.

In conclusion, acne prone skin means that your skin kind is liable to breakouts. You recognize that you are acne-prone if you regularly breakout or some products irritate your skin.

Cleansing, exfoliating and therefore the use of spot treatments is a decent care routine for acne prone skin. Finding products with the above ingredients could help break out of acnes.

Korean Products That Are Acne Safe :

Some By Mi Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Low Ph Gel Cleanser

The Some By Mi Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Low Ph Gel Cleanser is a mild and gentle cleanser. It repairs and heals damaged skin with Black Snail Extract.

Dr. Jart Ctrl-A Teatreement Toner

Contains tea tree leaf extract, green tea extract, chamomile flower extract, Pinus Pinaster Bark extract, aloe vera extract, Dr. Jart Ctrl-A Teatreement Toner takes out excess dirt and oil. Balances oily and combination skin as well as soothing, hydrating, and reducing redness.

Heimish Cica Live Repair Cream

Formulated with Centella Asiatica leaf extract, Heimish Cica Live Repair Cream is perfect for soothing sensitive skin.